
Reviewed by: Pondering, Praying, Preaching Romans 8 by Bonnie Thurston Frank J. Matera bonnie thurston, Pondering, Praying, Preaching Romans 8 (Fairacres Publications 183; Fairacres, Oxford: SLG, 2021). Pp. 70. Paper £6 Chapter 8 plays a central role in Paul's Letter to the Romans as well as in the life of the church. In terms of the letter, it concludes the first part of Paul's presentation of the gospel he is preaching to the Romans through this letter. In terms of the life of the church, it is the most important chapter in the NT about the Spirit in the Christian life. It is not surprising, then, that Bonnie Thurston, who has written commentaries on the Pauline epistles as well as works that mediate NT scholarship to a wider audience, has focused her attention on this chapter. This brief volume, however, is not a monograph or exegetical study of Romans 8, although it is keenly aware of the exegetical challenges the chapter presents. Rather it is meant for a wider audience, especially those charged with preaching the gospel. After a brief historical and literary introduction that deals with the letter's background, T. divides Romans 8 into six units (vv. 1–11, 12–17, 18–23, 24–25, 26–30, and 31–29), which she studies in terms of their background and dominant theme, concluding with points for prayer and reflection. Themes she examines are the contrast between the Spirit and the flesh, the Trinity, the role of suffering in the Christian life, the hope that Christians have in the Spirit, the help the Spirit provides believers, and the promises of God. T.'s reflection and comments are pastoral and theological in nature and informed by exegetical acumen. Consequently, this volume is not so much an exegesis of the text as it is a theological reflection on Romans 8 in the light of contemporary exegesis. [End Page 514] This work is clearly written, and T. does a fine job of highlighting the role of the Spirit within the cosmic scope of Paul's theology. It will be most useful to preachers and those who want to know more about Paul's understanding of the role of the Spirit in the Christian life. Given the work T. has done in researching this volume, I hope she will dedicate herself to a full exegetical study of this passage that will benefit scholars as well as the church. Frank J. Matera 465 Middle Rd. # 67, Farmington, CT 06032 Copyright © 2022 The Catholic Biblical Association of America

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