
The paper presents results of a survey of natural monuments and monumental trees in the Wejherowo County, Poland. During the field research it was found that there are 106 monuments of nature in the community of Gniewino, Linia, Luzino and Łęczyce. Under monument protection are as follows: 1 climber, 69 individual trees, 3 alleys, 18 groups of trees and 15 erratic boulders. The largest number of monuments of nature is located in the Łęczyce community (51 natural monuments), while the smallest monuments number is located in the area of the Linia community (3 monuments). In total, there are 65 monuments of nature in the State Forests, which constitutes as much as 61% of the total number in the studied area. Along the roads, there are 22 monuments in cemeteries and 19 on private land. Manor parks are rich in monuments of nature. There are a total of 23 monuments in them. All natural monuments should be labeled with the word “NATURE MONUMENT”, while only 72 of them are marked as such. During the research work, 7 monument trees were selected as follows: 4 specimens of the common beech Fagus sylvatica L., 2 specimens of Coast Douglas-fir Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco and 1 specimen of small-leaved lime Tilia cordata Mill. Due to its impressive size and standing out among other trees of the same genus or species, they should be taken under monument protection.

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