
Plaque characterization is essential for stroke prevention. In the study reported herein, we describe a heterogeneous phantom manufacturing technique with varying plaque compositions of different stiffness using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) to emulate stenotic arteries and evaluated the use of pulse wave imaging (PWI) to assess plaque stiffness by comparing derived pulse wave velocities, with the goal of assessing plaque vulnerability and identifying high-risk patients for stroke. Five stenotic phantoms (50% stenosis) were fabricated by pouring PVA solutions into 3-D-printed molds. Two of the phantoms had heterogeneous plaque compositions of soft (E0=13 kPa) and intermediate (E0=40 kPa) materials and of stiff (E0=54 kPa) and intermediate materials. Ultrasound sequences were acquired as the arterial phantoms were connected to a pulsating pump, and PWI was performed on the ultrasound acquisition using normalized cross-correlation to track the pulse-induced phantom wall distension propagations. Pulse wave velocities were estimated by fitting a linear regression line between the arrival time of the peak acceleration of the wall distension waveform and the corresponding location. Arterial phantoms with heterogeneous plaque stiffness were successfully fabricated. Pulse wave velocities of 2.06, 2.21, 2.49, 2.67 and 3.31 m/s were found in the phantom experiments using PWI for homogeneous soft plaque, the heterogeneous soft and intermediate plaque, homogeneous intermediate plaque, the heterogeneous stiff and intermediate plaque and homogeneous stiff plaque, respectively. A novel arterial phantom building technique was reported with varying heterogenous plaque compositions of different stiffness. The feasibility of using PWI to evaluate plaque stiffness in stenotic arteries was determined and found that PWI can distinguish between plaques of distinct stiffness and composition.

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