
Abstract Di(benzenesulfonyl)amine, 18-Crown-6, Quaternary Complex of Uncharged Molecules, Crystal Structure Co-crystallization of 18-crown-6 (18C6) and di(benzenesulfonyl)amine from dry ethanol at -20 °C affords the thermally labile and structurally uncharacterized ternary complex 18C6·2EtOH·2HN (SO2Ph)2 (2). Single crystals of the quaternary complex 18C6-2 H2O·2EtOH·2HN(SO2Ph)2 (1) were fortuitously obtained by repeated recrystallization of a sample of 2 from ethanol that was not kept completely dry. The crystal packing of 1 (triclinic, space group P1̄) is built up from isolated formula units displaying crystallographic inversion symmetry and pseudo D3d symmetry of the crown ring. The water molecules are located on opposite sides of the ring plane. Each H2O is connected to two OC atoms of the crown separated by a [CH2CH2OCH2CH2] segment (OWH···OC 210 and 208 pm, angles at H 169 and 164°), and accepts an O-H···Ow hydrogen bond from an ethanol molecule (H···OW 176 pm, angle 177°).

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