
Abstract Background Poly-substance use is a global public health problem associated with significant adverse social and health effects. Adolescents are increasingly affected by this risky behaviour. The objective of our study was to describe the poly-substance use and to determine the association between the different types of substance use among middle school students in the Region of Kairouan in Tunisia. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2017 among middle school students in the Region of Kairouan in Tunisia using a self-administered questionnaire for data collection. Results A total of 494 students participated in the survey. Tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and psychotropic drug uses were reported respectively by 7.9%, 7.3%, 6.3% and 14.3% of the students. Among the surveyed students, the poly-consumption of the four substances: alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and psychotropic medication without medical prescription was reported by 2.83% of the students. Among these poly-consumers, 57.1% were male. Poly substance use was found to increase with the level of study (21.4%, 28.6% and 50% respectively in grades 7, 8 and 9). In our study, among the smokers, 64.1% reported alcohol use, 69.2% reported cannabis use and 43.6% reported psychotropic drug use. Associations between tobacco use and other substances use were significant (p < 10-3). This association was significant for both boys and girls. In addition, 71% and 26% of alcohol users were respectively cannabis and psychotropic drug users. Alcohol use was significantly associated with cannabis and psychotropic drug use (p < 10-3). This association was significant for both boys and girls. Conclusions Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to multiple risky behaviors including substance use. Appropriate prevention and control strategies based on a participatory approach involving parents, teaching and medical staff should be put in place to combat this scourge. Key messages Despite a relatively low prevalence of poly-substance use among the surveyed students, a particular attention should be drawn to the phenomenon of psychotropic drug use without medical prescription. There is an urgent need for the implementation of an effective substance use prevention program in school settings in Tunisia where monitoring is one of its core components.

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