
Sea urchin is a popular food all over the world, of which eggs are main edible part. Previous studies suggested that polysaccharides from eggs of Strongylocentrotus nudus (SEP) exhibited immunomodulatory activities during anti-tumor therapy, nevertheless, effects of SEP on inflammatory bowel disease and its underlying mechanisms have never been reported. In the present study, we showed that the SEP inhibited dextran sodium sulfate-induced ulcerative colitis characterized by decreased disease activity index, restored colon length and body weight, improved histopathological changes, down-regulation of inflammatory cytokines levels and Th17/Treg ratios in C57BL/6 J mice. Moreover, immunofluorescence analysis suggested that SEP repaired gut barrier in UC mice, while 16S rDNA sequencing exhibited improved intestinal flora. Mechanistically, we found SEP significantly modulated autophagy-related factors in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs), while might contributed to pathogenesis of UC. Furthermore, we demonstrated PI3K/Akt pathway was involved in regulatory effect of SEP on lipopolysaccharide-induced autophagy of HT-29 cells. Besides, among possible polysaccharide binding receptors, change of the CD36 expression was most significant, which was associated with PI3K/Akt signals. Collectively, our study showed for the first time that the SEP might be used a prebiotic agent to improve IBD through regulating CD36-PI3K/Akt mediated autophagy of IECs.

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