
Hovenia dulcis is a traditional medicinal and edible plant and has a major geographical presence in China. In this study, a polysaccharide purified from H. dulcis (HDPs-2A) was found to ameliorate type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat. HDPs-2A treatment resulted in significantly lower fasting blood glucose levels, but higher body weight, plasma insulin, and liver glycogen levels. Moreover, HDPs-2A improved dyslipidemia, pancreatic oxidative stress, and reduced serum pro-inflammatory factors. In addition, HDPs-2A up-regulated PDX-1, activated and up-regulated IRS2 expression, and regulated apoptosis and regeneration of islet β cells to recover islet β-cell function injury in TIDM rats. HDPs-2A also up-regulated the expression of pancreatic GK and GLUT2 to improve insulin secretion ability of islet β-cells, ultimately improving the glucose metabolism disorder of T1DM rats. Moreover, HDPs-2A significantly up-regulated the expression of GK and down-regulated the expression of G6Pase in liver to improve liver glycogen synthesis, inhibit liver gluconiogenesis, and improve liver glucose metabolism disorder of T1DM rats. In summary, the hypoglycemic mechanisms of HDPs-2A may include regulating the regeneration and apoptosis of islet β-cells and activating liver glycometabolism-related signaling pathways in T1DM rats.

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