
Polyploid is a condition where the chromosomes are more than complete sets. The chromosome sets can vary owing to both natural and man-made processes. In artificial process, the mostly used chemical is colchicine which a toxic alkaloid extracted from Colchicum autumnale which was first discovered in 1937. Polyploids helps to increase the size of the cells i.e., giggas. Despite being a technique for creating variance, it is not becoming more popular. This research examines several facets of polyploidy breeding by examining various published works. They outperform natural diploids in terms of high yield, resilience to biotic and abiotic factors, and having better vigor. Irregular fruits, higher percentage of water, sterility made the polyploidy application concentrated only to vegetatively propagated and seedless plants. Although using polyploidy in breeding programs is not a novel method, it is continuously being investigated for potential improvements.

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