
We study a model of quantum mechanical fermions with matrix-like index structure (with indices N and L) and quartic interactions, recently introduced by Anninos and Silva. We compute the partition function exactly with q-deformed orthogonal polynomials (Stieltjes–Wigert polynomials), for different values of L and arbitrary N. From the explicit evaluation of the thermal partition function, the energy levels and degeneracies are determined. For a given L, the number of states of different energy is quadratic in N, which implies an exponential degeneracy of the energy levels. We also show that at high-temperature we have a Gaussian matrix model, which implies a symmetry that swaps N and L, together with a Wick rotation of the spectral parameter. In this limit, we also write the partition function, for generic L and N, in terms of a single generalized Hermite polynomial.

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