
Spectral synthesis deals with the description of translation invariant function spaces. It turns out that the basic building blocks of this description are the exponential monomials, which are built up from exponential functions and polynomial functions. The author collaborated with Laczkovich [Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 143 (2007), no. 1, 103--120] proved that spectral synthesis holds on an Abelian group if and only if the torsion free rank of the group is finite. The author [Aequationes Math. 70 (2005), no. 1-2, 122--130] showed that the torsion free rank of an Abelian group is strongly related to the properties of polynomial functions on the group. Here we show that spectral synthesis holds on an Abelian group if and only if the ring of polynomial functions on the group is Noetherian.

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