
Background. Human serum paraoxonase (PON1) is an esterase coded by pon1 gene on chromosome 7 and linked with two additional PON-like genes (pon2 and pon3). Alterations of enzyme anti- atherogenic activity due to polymorphisms in the pon genes my be one of the risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis. Aim. To examine the distribution of polymorphisms of pon1 and pon2 genes in patients with angiografically assessed severe stenosis of cerebral arteries and matched control subjects. Methods. The blood samples were recruited from 40 healthy individuals and 29 patients with >70 % of arterial carotides stenosis. DNA was extracted and used for amplification of the target regions by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Amplified products were digested with BspPI (Q192R), Hin 1II (L55M), BsrBI (-108C>T) and DdeI (S311C) restriction enzymes and determinated by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) procedure. Results. Genotype frequencies of pon1 and pon2 genes polymorphisms founded in cases vs. controls were: 15 (0, 52) QQ, 11 (0, 38) QR, 3 (0, 10) RR vs. 23 (0, 58) QQ, 15 (0, 37) QR, 2 (0, 05) RR for Q192R ; 13 (0, 45) LL, 10 (0, 34) LM, 6 (0, 21) MM vs. 16 (0, 40) LL, 18 (0, 45) LM, 6 (0, 15) MM for L55M ; 6 (0, 21) CC, 12 (0, 41) CT ; 11 (0, 38) TT vs. 8 (0, 20) CC, 24 (0, 60) CT, 8 (0, 20) TT for – 108C>T and 1 (0, 03) CC, 8 (0, 28) CS, 20 (0, 69) SS vs. 0 (0, 00) CC, 22 (0, 55) CS, 18 (0, 45) SS for S311C. Conclusions. The results of our study show no significant differences in genotype or allele frequencies between patients with severe stenosis of cerebral arteries and controls.

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