
POBA cattle is a crossbred cattle from Peranakan Ongole (PO) and Bali cattle, which is developed by the Beef Cattle Research Institute (BCRI), Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia. This study aimed to identify the genetic and phenotypic characteristics of POBA cattle raised in the BCRI. Genetic diversity of FSH-β gene was also determined in order to identify a possible marker for reproductive status in POBA cattle. Rambon cattle collected from Banyuwangi regency were used as comparison. A 313 bp fragment of the FSH-β gene was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR products were sequenced and aligned to detect polymorphism. As results, a polymorphism (SNP g.2583C/T) in the FSH-β gene, which produced three genotypes (TT, CC, and CT) was detected. The frequency of each allele was 0.13 (allele C) and 0.87 (allele T). However, the FSH-β gene polymorphism did not significantly affect sperm quality, body weight, body size, and cervical condition of POBA cattle.

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