
The VI National Congress on Chemical Technology in Turkey was held in Bornova Izmir (Turkey) on the campus of Ege University in the period September 7– 10, 2004. Profs. Erden Alpay (Ege University), Mehmet Riza Altiokka (Anatolian University, Ankara), Suheyda Atalay (Ege University), Devrim Balkose (Izmir Institute of Technology), Ertugrul Barka (KMO Ege Bolge Co.), Cumhur Buyukakinci (Polinas Co.), Ahmet Cetinbudaklar (Mopak Co.), Muhsin Ciftcioglu (Izmir Institute of Technology), Timur ERK (Chemical Society of Turkey), Murat Ipekcioglu (Aromel Co.), Gungor Kavadarli (EBSO Co.), Zehra Ozcelik (Ege University), Kivanc Turkel (ALKIM Co.), and Sevgi Ulutan (Ege University) were members of the organizing committee. About 450 participants from 28 research centers of Turkey took part in this congress. There were four invited speakers from USA, Russia and Israel. About 200 sectional reports and 120 posters were included in the program of the congress. In the opening ceremony, the chairman (chairlady) of the con...

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