
Previous studies of polymer motion at solid/liquid interfaces described the transport in the context of a continuous time random walk (CTRW) process, in which diffusion switches between desorption-mediated "flights" (i.e., hopping) and surface-adsorbed waiting-time intervals. However, it has been unclear whether the waiting times represented periods of complete immobility or times during which molecules engaged in a different (e.g., slower or confined) mode of interfacial transport. Here we designed high-throughput, single-molecule tracking measurements to address this question. Specifically, we studied polymer dynamics on either chemically homogeneous or nanopatterned surfaces (hexagonal diblock copolymer films) with chemically distinct domains, where polymers were essentially excluded from the low-affinity domains, eliminating the possibility of significant continuous diffusion in the absence of desorption-mediated flights. Indeed, the step-size distributions on homogeneous surfaces exhibited an additional diffusive mode that was missing on the chemically heterogeneous nanopatterned surfaces, confirming the presence of a slow continuous mode due to 2D in-plane diffusion. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations were performed to test this model and, with the theoretical in-plane diffusion coefficient of D2D = 0.20 μm2/s, we found a good agreement between simulations and experimental data on both chemically homogeneous and nanopatterned surfaces.

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