
Abstract A polymer pilot in the 8 TH reservoir in Austria showed promising results. The Utility Factors were below 2 of kg polymer injected / incremental barrel of oil produced (polymer cost are 2 – 4 USD/kg). Furthermore, substantial incremental oil was produced which might result in economic field implementation. The results triggered the planning for field implementation of polymer flooding. To optimize the economics of field implementation, a workflow was chosen ensuring that the uncertainty was covered. 1200 geological models were generated covering a variety of different geological concepts. These geological models were clustered based on the dynamic response into 100 representative geological realizations and then used for history matching. For infill drilling, probabilistic quality maps can be used to find locations. However, injection and production well optimization is more challenging. Introducing probabilistic incremental Net Present Value (NPV) maps allows for selection of locations of injection and production well patterns. The patterns need to be optimized for geometry and operating parameters under uncertainty. The geometry was optimized in a first step followed by operating parameter optimization. In addition, injectivity effects of vertical and horizontal wells due to the non-Newtonian polymer rheology were evaluated. The last step was full-field simulation using the probabilistic NPV map, optimized well distance and operating parameters. The resulting Cumulative Distribution Function of incremental NPV showed a Probability of Economic Success (PES) of 91 % and an Expected Monetary Value of 73 mn EUR.

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