
There are long-standing debates in crystallization mechanism of polymer chains at the molecular levels: Which comes first, chain folding or lamellae formation during crystallization? In this study, we report the local chain trajectory of 13C-labeled semicrystalline polymer in an extreme case of rapidly quenched glassy state as well as thermodynamically stable crystals formed via different pathways from glass and melt. Magnetically dipole interactions do not require a long-range order of molecular objects and thus enable us to trace the local chain trajectory of polymer chains even in a glassy state. To accurately characterize the local chain trajectory of polymer glass, the natural abundance effect on 13C-13C double-quantum (DQ) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal is re-examined using extended chain conformation. As results, it is found that glassy chains adopt the same adjacent re-entry structure (adjacent re-entry number, n = 1) with the melt- and cold-grown crystals. From these results, it is concluded that (i) folding occurs prior to crystallization and (ii) melt and cold crystallization do not induce additional folding but proceed with rearrangements of polymer chains in the existing templates.

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