
The Catalan numbers $C_k$ were first studied by Euler, in the context of enumerating triangulations of polygons $P_{k+2}$. Among the many generalizations of this sequence, the Fuss-Catalan numbers $C^{(d)}_k$ count enumerations of dissections of polygons $P_{k(d-1)+2}$ into $(d+1)$-gons. In this paper, we provide a formula enumerating polygonal dissections of $(n+2)$-gons, classified by partitions $\lambda$ of $[n]$. We connect these counts $a_{\lambda}$ to reverse series arising from iterated polynomials. Generalizing this further, we show that the coefficients of the reverse series of polynomials $x=z-\sum_{j=0}^{\infty} b_j z^{j+1}$ enumerate colored polygonal dissections.

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