
The syn the t ic polydeoxynucleot ides , being less complex than na tu r a l ones, provide sui table models for s tudy ing the phys ica l proper t ies of D N A and the mechanism of helix-coil t ransi t ions . The use of po lydeoxynucleo t ides wi th repe t i t ive oligonucleot ide sequences as t empla te s enables the corresponding r ibopolymers to be synthesized. These polyr ibonucleot ides wi th repe t i t ive ol igonucteotide sequences have helped to solve some i m p o r t a n t problems in molecular biology, e.g. the amino acid codon ass ignment , the genet ic mis reading caused b y s t rep tomycin , the mechanism of error suppression, and the act ion of ant ib io t ics on DNA. Po lydeoxynuc leo t ides are imp o r t a n t as primers, t empla tes , and subs t ra tes for nucleic acid specific enzymes. The D N A polymerase reac t ion wi th syn the t i c po lymers as pr imers has been used to develop a me thod for de te rmin ing picomole amount s of na tu r a l deoxynucleos ide tr iphospha tes in biological mater ia l .

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