
Concentrations and congener specific profiles of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs were determined in various edible fish from the Adriatic Sea. PCBs were the dominant chemicals (116–1980 ng g −1 lipid wt), followed by PCDFs (ND-58.3 pg g −1 lipid wt) and PCDDs (ND-20 pg g −1 lipid wt). The levels of these contaminants varied among species. Benthic organisms possessed the highest concentrations, followed by demersal and pelagic fish species. PCB and PCDD/F accumulation pattern in the samples analysed showed a distribution typically reported for marine samples. The mean weekly intake of toxic equivalency (TEQ) was estimated to be 0.84 pg TEQs/kg bw/week. The dioxin-like PCBs accounted for more than 77% of this intake, followed by PCDDs (15.5%) and PCDFs (13.1%). In general, the samples analysed in this survey can be considered safe with regard to the levels obtained and the in-force legislation, nevertheless the consumption of some species may be of significance importance for consumer health.

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