
Polychaetes are abundant in benthic ecosystems and usually have a wide range of distribution in the marine environment. However, for the south-central part of the Colombian Caribbean, polychaetes have received little attention in coastal wetlands such as mangroves. Between April 2021 and March 2022, 12 red mangrove roots were collected at four sectors in Nisperal, Ahumadera, Navío and Ostional. For specimen collection at each sampling station, three roots not attached to the substrate of similar shape and diameter were selected. The polychaetes were obtained by scraping about 10 cm around the circumference of the root and fixed in situ with 10% formalin and then preserved in 70% alcohol. A total of 455 specimens represented in five orders, six families and 12 species were collected. The Syllidae family registered the highest abundance for the dry months (7.8%) and Nereididae during the rainy months (10.4%). The Eunicidae family presented a similar abundance over both seasons. Spatial distribution showed that Alitta succinea and Cirriformia filigera as tolerant to different environments, registering in all sectors except Ostional, while Marphysa sanguinea is located throughout the study area, from the Ostional swamp in its internal part to the external area with marine influence of the sectors Nisperal and Ahumadera.

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