
Diversity, distribution and biomass patterns of polychaetes were studied in the shallow soft bottoms off Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica). Benthic samples, collected in the austral summer 1989–1990, were sampled using a Van Veen grab at 14 stations distributed between 23- and 194-m depth. A total of 5,768 individuals of polychaetes belonging to 77 species were found. The species richness recorded was high, despite the few biotopes investigated at Terra Nova Bay in this study, especially when compared to that recorded from previous investigations in the same area and from the whole Ross Sea (146 species). Despite the high number of species found, only a few species accounted for 76% of the total abundance: Tharyx cincinnatus (27%), Spiophanes tcherniai (23%), Leitoscoloplos mawsoni (18%) and Laonice weddellia (5%) were mainly distributed in the deeper stations (below 100-m depth), while Aglaophamus ornatus (3%) was the only species abundant in the shallowest stations (above 50-m depth), characterized by gravels and coarse sands. Species richness, diversity and evenness showed an increase with depth. Abundances ranged between 40 to over 12,000 ind/m2. Biomass values ranged between 0.9 to 176 g/m2 (wet weight). A trophic-guild classification revealed the occurrence of various feeding categories that were, however, numerically dominated by deposit feeders with both discretely motile epiand endobenthic forms, and sessile ones. Both the Bray-Curtis similarity and Correspondence (C.A.) analyses showed stations ordered according to depth and to the local dominance of some species. Both poorly and well-structured polychaete assemblages occurred and they seemed related to depth-related factors, such as degree of environmental disturbance (shallowest bottoms vs deep ones), heterogeneity of the substrate and habitat complexity (gravel and coarse sands vs mixed sediment. The richest and most diverse assemblages of polychaetes were those occurring below 140-m depth, where the substrate was dominated by medium sands, often mixed with a mosaic of rocks and boulders.

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