
O Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (Pronaf), criado em 1994, e um exemplo de politica publica voltada a promocao das capacidades de producao de populacoes pobres. Ele e constituido de tres tipos de intervencao: melhoramento das infra-estruturas rurais, apoio ao credito para a agricultura familiar e formacao dos agricultores. Este artigo procura analisar os resultados e os limites da politica de credito do Pronaf. Essa politica permitiu que milhares de agricultores familiares tivessem acesso ao credito bancario pela primeira vez. Entretanto, a ampliacao da base social do Programa as populacoes mais pobres leva os bancos a afrouxar os criterios de atribuicao dos creditos, induzindo os agricultores a ficar dependentes inteiramente da sustentacao do Estado. Termos para indexacao: economia e desenvolvimento rural, sistemas agricolas, politicas agricolas. CREDIT POLICY TO REINFORCE FAMILY FARMS: BRAZIL'S EXPERIENCE IN THE 1990s ABSTRACT The Brazilian national policy to support family farms (Pronaf) was implemented in 1994 to promote the productive capacity of the rural poor by providing credit to this population with no access to formal bank credit. This policy was aimed at reducing inequity and poverty in the Brazilian society. It was a huge innovation since agriculture had traditionally been based on large landholdings. The first beneficiaries were small family farmers whose activity was mainly based on family labour, with a maximum annual income of 27 500 reais, at least 80% of which came from the property. The State commercial banks were responsible for the financial intermediation. Basically, the program relied on interest rates subsidies, which were necessary in the Brazilian macroeconomic context (Real Plan). Although the number of beneficiaries was significant, until 1998 the Program favoured smallholders of Southern Brazil, who had higher income and better market integration, because bank risk aversion still kept them from lending to the poorest. Demand and protests by several groups led to the program's extension to population with lower annual income, through larger interest rate subsidies. Despite the increasing number of contracts, the program has several drawbacks. Amongst them, is its hugely increased costs, particularly through banks fees, including high administrative and bank spread costs, both paid by the government. Another is that for the poorest smallholders, the policy is finally equivalent of a direct subsidy and has not succeeded in guaranteeing a long term link with formal banks. Index terms: economy and rural development, farming systems, agricultural policies. POLITIQUE DE CREDIT DU PROGRAMME D'APPUI A L'AGRICULTURE FAMILIALE (PRONAF): RESULTATS ET LIMITES DE L'EXPERIENCE BRESILIENNE DANS LES ANNEES 1990 RESUME Cree en 1994, le programme d'appui a l'agriculture familiale (Pronaf) est un exemple de politique publique destinee a promouvoir les capacites productives des agriculteurs familiaux. Il est compose de trois grands types d'intervention: l'amelioration des infrastructures rurales; l'appui au credit pour l'agriculture familiale; et la formation des agriculteurs. Cet article tente de dresser un bilan de la politique de credit du Pronaf. Cette politique a permis que des centaines de milliers de familles puissent avoir acces au credit bancaire pour la premiere fois. Cependant, l'elargissement de la base sociale du programme vers les plus pauvres tend a relâcher les criteres bancaires d'attribution des prets et a rendre les agriculteurs dependants de l'intervention de l'Etat. Termes d'indexation: economie et developpement rural, systemes agraires, politiques agricoles.

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