
The purpose of the paper is to analyze the position of Poland in the GATT and WTO. Another topic concerns the principles of the Common Commercial Policy of the European Union, including Poland after accession. The first part of the paper presents the position of Poland in the GATT, with particular emphasis on Poland’s specific membership, which followed from its centrally planned economy. The second part of the paper concentrates on the issue of Poland’s functioning within the WTO and Polish postulates in the Development Round (Doha) of the WTO in the context of liberalized trade of agricultural commodities. The effects of excessive imports from China are also analyzed from the point of view of Polish producers of soft fruit and in terms of anti-dumping duties imposed by the EU on such imports.


  • The purpose of the paper is to analyze the position of Poland in the GATT

  • Another topic concerns the principles of the Common Commercial Policy of the European Union

  • The first part of the paper presents the position of Poland in the GATT

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Celem artyku3u by3o ukazanie udzia3u Polski w pracach GATT (Uk3ad Ogólny w Sprawie Taryf Celnych i Handlu), a obecnie w WTO (Œwiatowa Organizacja Handlu). W artykule przedstawiono genezê, specyficzne zasady obecnoœci Polski w GATT oraz akcesjê do WTO. Przedmiotem analizy by3y te¿ zmiany w polskiej polityce handlowej po przyst1pieniu do Unii Europejskiej oraz stanowisko Polski dotycz1ce problematyki rolnej w trwaj1cej rundzie rokowañ WTO

Polska w GATT
Polska w WTO
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