
One of the tools used in a successful pollution prevention program is a pollution prevention opportunity assessment (PPOA). PPOAs can be used to identify the nature and amounts of waste and energy usage from processes and projects within a site`s operations, identify the opportunities that exist for pollution prevention and energy conservation, and then evaluate those opportunities for feasible implementation. The purpose of this project is to share the Kansas City Plant`s (KCP`s) PPOA methodology and experience with other DOE personnel and DOE contractors. This consisted of three major activities in FY96: (1) completing the PPOA training module specific to Environmental Restoration activities; (2) providing PPOA training and technical assistance to interested DOE personnel and DOE contractors, and (3) implementing and maintaining the DOE-wide PPOA database. This report documents the FY96 efforts, lessons learned, and future plans for all of the PPOA-related activities.

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