
为探究典型精神类药物及其代谢产物在高宝邵伯湖——宝应湖、高邮湖和邵伯湖表层水体的污染水平、分布特征及生态风险,利用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法,对研究区域18个采样点位表层水体中3类(抗抑郁药物、抗癫痫药物和抗精神病药物)21种精神类药物及其代谢产物的浓度水平进行检测分析.结果表明,除奥卡西平外,其余20种典型精神类药物及代谢产物均有不同程度地检出,检出率范围为22.2%~100%,总检出浓度范围为1.4~224.5 ng/L.其中抗精神病药物利培酮检出浓度最高,浓度范围为0.1~64.1 ng/L.不同采样点精神类药物及其代谢产物的浓度存在空间差异,呈现邵伯湖和高邮湖南部浓度较高,高邮湖北部和宝应湖浓度较低的趋势.由聚类分析可知,点位S1、S7单独形成聚类,浓度分别为175.7和102.9 ng/L.对精神类药物及其代谢产物的来源分析发现,污水处理厂、生活污水和农业废水排放可能是高宝邵伯湖地表水中精神类药物及其代谢产物的主要来源.采用风险商值法(risk quotient,RQ)进行生态风险评估,结果表明高宝邵伯湖表层水体中卡马西平和环氧卡马西平对水生生物具有高风险(RQ>1).精神类药物及其代谢产物在环境中持续性赋存的风险需引起重视.;To investigate the pollution level, distribution characteristic and ecological risk of psychotropic substances and their metabolites in Lakes Gaoyou, Baoying and Shaobo, Jiangsu Province, 18 water samples were collected. The concentrations of 21 psychotropic drugs and their metabolites in three classes:antidepressants, antiepileptics and antipsychotics were analyzed by ultra- high-performance liquid chromatography- triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry. The results indicated, in addition to oxcarbazepine, 20 typical drugs and their metabolites were detected at 18 sampling sites with the detection rates of 22.2%-100%, and the total concentration ranged from 1.4 to 224.5 ng/L. Among the detected substances, the concentration of risperidone (0.1-64.1 ng/L) was the highest. Spatial differences in the concentrations of psychotropic substances and their metabolites existed at different sampling sites, showing a trend of higher concentrations in Lake Shaobo and the southern part of Lake Gaoyou and lower concentrations in the northern part of Lakes Gaoyou and Baoying. The cluster analysis showed that point S1 and S7 formed separate clusters with concentrations of 175.7 ng/L and 102.9 ng/L, respectively. The source analysis found that wastewater treatment plants, domestic sewage and agriculture discharge may be the principal sources of the psychotropic substances and their metabolites. The risk quotient method showed that the RQ values for carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine were greater than 1 and were of high risk to aquatic organisms. The risk of psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the environment still needs attention.

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