
Polyhalogenated carbazoles (PHCZs) are a class of emerging environmental contaminants formed by the substitution of hydrogen on carbazole (CZ) benzene rings with halogens (Cl, Br, I) with potential dioxin-like toxicity, and they have been frequently detected in various environmental media and organisms recently. Nevertheless, co-research of CZ/PHCZs with PAHs is very limited. In addition, I-PHCZs, which are believed to be much more toxic than CZ, Cl-PHCZs and Br-PHCZs, have a few data in sediments previously. The concentration and distribution of CZ/PHCZs and PAHs were analyzed in 18 surface sediments of Bohai Bay, China. There is a significant correlation (R = 0.64, P<0.05) between PHCZs and PAHs, and principal component analysis (PCA) also indicating that they may have a certain similarity in origin. Additionally, total CZ and PHCZs was up to 230.57 ng/g dw in the studied samples, which was approximately 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than PAHs and other common persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The compositions of the CZ/PHCZs in our study were dominated by CZ (2.74–18.28, median 2.92 ng/g dw), 3,6-dichlorocarbazole (n.d-6.78, median 0.97 ng/g dw) and 3,6-iodocarbazole (n.d-12.68, median 1.65 ng/g dw). Results of this study discovered the varying origins of CZ and PHCZs and/or a complexity of anthropogenic influences and natural sources processes, and revealed a wide distribution of CZ/PHCZs across the studied. Moreover, more attention should be paid by comparing CZ/PHCZs with other widely distributed POPs.

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