
The study focus on a pollution assessment of private boreholes water supply using contamination index and contour in Ogbia Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. Water samples from private boreholes were collected in accordance to APHA [1] the samples were preserved in ice-park and taking to the laboratory within four hours from the time of collection. The borehole water samples were analyzed according to APHA [1]. The results of sample analyses were compared with WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007. The finding indicates that, the bacteriological parameter for sample locations 1,3,5,8,9,11 and 12 were all above the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007 standards for drinking water quality. The result of the physico-chemical analyses indicates that, the temperature for all the sampling locations falls within AMBIENT limit, the colour for all the sampling locations is clear, pH for all the samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007 standard for drinking water, Turbidity, apart from sample 10 with 6.50 mg/l that is above the limit, all the other samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007standard for drinking water quality, Conductivity, apart from sample 12 with 682.50 mg/l that is above the limit, all the other samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007standard for drinking water quality, Chloride Cl, for all the samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007 standard for drinking water, Calcium Ca2+, for all the samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007 standard for drinking water, Nitrate NO3, for all the samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007 standard for drinking water, Nitrite NO2, for all the samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007 standard for drinking water, TDS, for all the samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007 standard for drinking water, Salinity NaCI, for all the samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007 standard for drinking water, Total Hardness, for all the samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007 standard for drinking water, Calcium Hardness, apart from sample 12 with 56.00 mg/l that is above the limit, all the other samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007standard for drinking water quality, Magnesium Mg2+, for all the samples falls within the WHO 2012 and NSWDQ 2007 standard for drinking water. These boreholes is required proper treatment before consumption.

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