
Deceptive orchid species that offer no floral rewards to pollinators often experience pollinator limitation because they. The breeding system and fruit set were investigated in order to examine pollinator limitation for a population of a deceptive orchid, Pogonia japonica, on a floating peat mat in Mizorogaike Pond, western Japan. Fruit sets for outcross-pollinated, self-pollinated and pollinator-excluded flowers were 75%, 80%, and 0%, respectively. Thus, this species was self-compatible but neither autogamous nor apogamous. The fruit set for open-pollinated flowers was 22.9% and 17.4% in 1994 and 1995, suggesting that pollinator limitation did occur in the field. Larger flowers were more likely to develop into fruit than smaller ones in open pollination (36%vs 8%). Thus, flower size seems to affect fruiting of this species. No effective visits by major pollinators such as bees, which could carry pollinia, were observed during 16.5 h of observation during daytime. Instead, thrips were often found moving on gynostemium or pollinia and circumstantial evidence that suggests thrips may partly transfer pollen in pieces out of a granular pollinium of P. japonica was obtained. Pogonia japonica should come to use thrips as a pollinator to supplement low fruit set under limited flower visitation by major pollinators.

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