
Pollen viability and germinability are indispensable criteria in plant breeding programmes. This research evaluated eleven M4 mutant lines of gamma irradiated sesame (Sesamum indicum) for some pollen parameters. Seeds were obtained from the Department of Plant Biology, Federal University of Technology, Minna and were raised to maturity alongside their respective checks in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). The field experiment was conducted at the experimental field of the Upper Niger River Basin Development Authority, Minna. Pollen viability and diameter were determined using standard procedure. The germinability test was done using three different sucrose concentrations (10 %, 20 % and 30 %) with 1 % nutrient agar solution. The results revealed that all the M4 mutant lines had adequate pollen viabilities (over 80%) with ML-10 having the highest (97.56 %) viability followed by ML-7 (95.61 %), ML-8 (95.01 %) and Check-2 (95.60 %). The highest pollen germinability was recorded at 20 % sucrose concentration for all the mutant lines with line ML-7 (39.70 %) having the highest percentage. Check-1 at 10 % sucrose concentration recorded the least percentage (11.46 %) across the concentration and treatments. Highest pollen diameter (169.52μm) was recorded in Check-1. Suboblate shapes with 10-13 colpi was observed in all the mutant lines and the checks. Pollens from all the lines comprised of circular and elliptic pollens except in ML-7 and the checks where the pollens were solely circular in polar view. The study revealed that gamma-irradiation could be a reasonable tool for inducing variability in sesame and advantageous in increasing the pollen viability.

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