
Pollen-pistil interactions serve as important prezygotic reproductive barriers that play a critical role in mate selection in plants. Here, we highlight recent progress toward understanding the molecular basis of pollen-pistil interactions as reproductive isolating barriers. These barriers can be active systems of pollen rejection, or they can result from a mismatch of required male and female factors. In some cases, the barriers are mechanistically linked to self-incompatibility systems, while others represent completely independent processes. Pollen-pistil reproductive barriers can act as soon as pollen is deposited on a stigma, where penetration of heterospecific pollen tubes is blocked by the stigma papillae. As pollen tubes extend, the female transmitting tissue can selectively limit growth by producing cell wall-modifying enzymes and cytotoxins that interact with the growing pollen tube. At ovules, differential pollen tube attraction and inhibition of sperm cell release can act as barriers to heterospecific pollen tubes.

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