
Polygala L. is a large and highly diverse genus with complex taxonomy, but pollen morphological information for this taxon is scarce. In the present study, pollen characters have been used to assess the taxonomic delimitation and phylogenetic relationships of three newly established subgenera of Polygala: Chamaebuxus, Chodatia and Rhinotropis (sensu Paiva). The pollen morphology of 22 species has been examined using light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy of acetolysed material. The pollen of 15 of the species is examined for the first time. The pollen grains are isopolar, radially symmetrical, tectate and, typically, polyzonocolporate with numerous colpi running parallel to the polar axis, and an endocingulum around the equator. Two pollen types can be distinguished: Type I, which includes species belonging to Rhinotropis, and Type II, which includes species from Chamaebuxus and Chodatia. The two pollen types are described and the pollen of the three studied subgenera is illustrated. Despite the low infrageneric morphological diversity observed within the genus Polygala, quantitative characters of pollen grains support the current classification of the subgenera Chamaebuxus, Chodatia and Rhinotropis, and reveal a closer relationship between the first two taxa. Pollen characters are shown to be a useful and informative tool for assessing taxonomic position and phylogenetic relationships within Polygalaceae, especially at higher taxonomic levels.

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