
The measurements of pollen fall were carried out in Lublin in 1995 - 2000 years by the gravimetric method. The modified Durham sampler was applied, located at 9 m above ground level. On the base of results 6 year observations - the pollen calendar for Lublin was prepared. The following 15 plant taxa were taken under consideration: <i>Alnus</i>, <i>Corylus</i>, Cupressaceae, <i>Populus</i>, <i>Fraxinus</i>, <i>Betula</i>, <i>Quercus</i>, Pinaceae, Poaceae, <i>Rumex</i>, <i>Plantago</i>, <i>Urtica</i>, Chenopodiaceae, <i>Artemisia</i> and <i>Ambrosia</i>. The anemophilous plants' pollen season in Lublin began in half of February and lasted till half of September. First appeared pollen grains of decidous tress' and shrubs, then the coniferous. High values of pollen fall of these plants were noted till the end of May. Start of grass pollen season was recorded from the half of May, and at the latter part of this month, also other herbaceous plants. The highest concentrations of pollen were found in April and May when trees and shrubs pollinated. The highest annual totals were marked for plants of the following taxa: <i>Betula</i>, Poaceae, Pinaceae, <i>Alnus</i>, <i>Urtica</i>.


  • The following 15 plant taxa were taken under consideration: Alnus, Corylus, Cupressaceae, Populus, Fraxinus, Betula, Quercus, Pinaceae, Poaceae, Rumex, Plantago, Urtica, Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Ambrosia

  • The anemophilous plants' pollen season in Lublin began in half of February and lasted till half of September

  • Start of grass pollen season was recorded from the half of May, and at the latter part of this month, other herbaceous plants

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Maksymalny opad py3ku wymienionych roœlin notowano w ró¿nych tygodniach marca, poza rokiem 1996, w którym najwiêksze koncentracje rejestrowano w ostatnim tygodniu kwietnia (Tab. 1). Roczne sumy ziarn py3ku Cupressaceae w latach badañ by3y zbli¿one z wyj1tkiem roku 1997. Sezon py3kowy topoli rozpoczyna3 siê na pocz1tku marca i trwa3 do po3owy maja (Ryc. 1). Udzia3 procentowy py3ku Populus w sumach rocznych by3 doœæ znaczny, gdy¿ we wszystkich latach badañ mieœci3 siê wœród dziesiêciu najliczniej wystêpuj1cych taksonów i wynosi3 od 3,1% do 8,5%.

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