
The beginning of the 18th century in the history of the Russian state and society was marked by the beginning of large-scale transformations initiated by Peter I. As a result of these reforms, the patriarchal Moscow kingdom turned into a "regular" Russian empire, the political, legal and administrative structure of which differed significantly from what it was before. It is no coincidence that Peter is often referred to as a «revolutionary on the throne.» In his actions, Peter was guided by the idea of the "common good" and the ideas of the "regular" state and Polizeistaat. He drew them in Western Europe, in the countries of the Protestant circle - Prussia, Denmark, Sweden. One of the leading ideas of the Polizeistaat doctrine was the state's active policy to form a welfare society, which was supposed to be achieved through the active intervention of the authorities in the daily life of citizens, its regulation and regulation through various regulations, instructions and instructions. A regular, properly organized police force was one of the most important instruments of such intervention, which had as its ultimate goal the creation of conditions for the growth of the well-being of subjects and their number. This growth in the number of subject population was also achieved through the creation of a system of measures to prevent epidemics and their consequences. In this article, the authors, relying on the materials of the Petrine legislation, reconstruct the course of the gradual formation of sanitary legislation in Petrine Russia.

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