
Germany is Poland’s neighbor and at least formally its ally within NATO and a partner in the European Union. In spite of the cautious statements of politicians and well-balanced press articles in Poland, the time has come to make the matter clear: Polish-German relations are very bad. The wine is completely on the side of Germany. For years, Germany has been pursuing a policy that strikes Polish economic interests, Polish sovereignty and territorial integrity. They are contemptuous about Poles, they also conduct a historical policy aimed at imposing Poland on German crimes of World War II. We need a tough policy towards the European Union and Germany, especially against the campaign against Poland regarding the supposed violation of the rule of law in our country. However, one should reckon with various political and diplomatic actions and attempts at financial blackmail (the threat of cutting EU subsidies). On the other hand, we must realize that both Germany and other European countries, after experience with the United Kingdom and its exit from the European Union (Brexit) do not want to leave the Union by subsequent states, because it will mean its decay. That is why their policy towards Poland, despite its ruthlessness and brutality, will not exceed a certain level, over which there will no longer be any dialogue, only the necessity to break the Union’s bonds by the Republic. The strategy of determination and assertiveness in relations with Germany and with the structures of the Union will therefore bring Poland as a result of success. It must be remembered that Germany will not risk losing an important economic partner in the East, and this fact will also affect the moderation of their policy towards Poland. The government of our country must free itself from the influence of long-term policy implemented by the offices of Donald Tusk and Ewa Kopacz. It was a policy of subservience to the western neighbor, succumbing to his suggestions and giving way in matters in which it was necessary to maintain an unchanged iron consistency. As a result, the Germans began to disrespect us more and more clearly and treat us as a vassal state. It is therefore important to go to hard policy, because only such activities make impressions on the leadership groups in Brussels and in Berlin.

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