
Lapovo was the battlefield of great political struggles until the introduction of dictatorship. Results of the electons were very important, because like the biggest place in county of Lepenica, Lapovo has the largest number of voters. Often these votes decided the winner of the election in the county of Lepenica. The strongest political party in Lapovo was the Democratic Party the thirties of the twentieth century. She won all parlamentary elections. The only victory that thePeople's Radical Party achived in the municipal elections was in 1923 year. In the period from 1920 to 1929, for the presidente of the municipality of Lapovo was voted for three times. After the municipal electons 1920, Vlaja Cvetković from the Democratic Party become president of the municipality, in order to be replaced in 1923 by Milojko Pavlović from the People'sRadical party. After the elections in 1926, Vlaja Cvetković become again the precidente of the municipality of Lapovo.

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