
The enactment of a Goverment Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 2 Years on 2017 promulgated as Law 16/ 2017 gave the government an assent authorities to revoke law on mass organisation. In this law, regime political control to the mass organization clearly tighter comparing with the previous one. In Law 17/2013 there was no authority of the central Government to revoke the mass organization; but at the lowest level, the court can decide the fate of a mass organisations assuming commiting an offense. Pro and cons emerge because of the authorities and HTI become the first mass organisation that subject to the sanctions. This study exercised qualitative methods applying of descriptive techniques of analysis. Data from Central Java and East Kalimantan provinces reavealed that local mass organization can understand the local governments position dealing with their own authorities. There are research findings which influenced to the local governments to take steps to control the mass organizations In this context, the local governments were assertive to the mass organizations which have become threat tonational ideology of Pancasila. However, their apparatus on the field were still ambigous to take necessary respons to deal with their thugs character which often create of violence.This research recommeds both the central and local government wto closely cooperate to solve the grey area in the operational level in order to help improve democratic maturity of inside the mass organizations.

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