
Abstract: This research is a qualitative descriptive research which is aims to get an explanation about process of reality reconstruction doing by mass media, various kind of framing devices that is used, and woman representation at Kompas and Suara Merdeka news reporting about circulation of Yahya Zaini-Maria Eva porn video. In its execution, this research is using framing analysis method to gain information about way of mass media’s telling story. The data are collected by using qualitative content analysis applied to Kompas and Suara Merdeka news articles publish during December 2006. Unit of analysis determined based on Pan and Kosicki framing analysis model. Data validity is measured by triangulation technique. Data analysis is conducted by using the interactive data analysis technique. The result of this research shows that Kompas and Suara Merdeka have different point of view in reconstruction this case. Kompas showed careful news reporting while Suara Merdeka is more market oriented. Both of newspapers are uses same framing devices, including syntactic, script, thematic, and rhetoric. In representing woman, Kompas and Suara Merdeka are tending to frame woman in unfavorable ways.


  • This research is a qualitative descriptive research which is aims to get an explanation about process of reality reconstruction doing by mass media, various kind of framing devices that is used, and woman representation at Kompas and Suara Merdeka news reporting about circulation of Yahya Zaini-Maria Eva porn video

  • The data are collected by using qualitative content analysis applied to Kompas and Suara Merdeka news articles publish during December 2006

  • Unit of analysis determined based on Pan and Kosicki framing analysis model

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Bentuk kalimat

Deskripsi Subyek Penelitian Penelitian ini menggunakan dua surat kabar sebagai subyek penelitian, yaitu harian umum Kompas dan Suara Merdeka. Koran kedua yang menjadi subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah Suara Merdeka. Kasus Video Porno YZ-ME dalam Berita Awal Desember 2006 publik Indonesia dikejutkan dengan pemberitaan sejumlah media massa tanah air baik cetak maupun elektronik tentang beredarnya video porno yang melibatkan anggota DPR Yahya Zaini dan Maria Eva. Dilihat dari sisi nilai berita (newsworthiness), kasus tersebut tentu saja memiliki nilai berita yang cukup tinggi. Terkait dengan fokus penelitian ini yang berupaya mendapat gambaran tentang representasi perempuan dalam bingkai (frame) media, maka di samping melihat porsi pemberitaannya peneliti juga melakukan kategorisasi frame berita menjadi dua, yaitu frame yang favorable dan unfavorable. Berdasarkan analisis isi atas 24 artikel berita yang menjadi sumber data, baik yang termuat dalam Kompas maupun Suara Merdeka, maka distribusi frame pemberitaan untuk masing-masing pihak dapat dilihat pada tabel 2 dan tabel 3 berikut: Tabel 2.

ME melakukan aborsi karena dipaksa istri YZ
YZ tidak melakukan zina karena telah menikah siri dengan ME
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