
"Politics of History" as a Threat to the Internal Peace in Ukraine


  • This article examines the role of the historical narratives and of the "politics of history" in the domestic politics of Ukraine

  • "Politics of History" as a Threat to the Internal Peace in Ukraine than replacing communist toponyms or who don’t want to erase everything associated with the Soviet era." Especially due to the fact that the regional and local identities play an important role for the identity building of the citizens of Ukraine, the centralized renaming of their home towns without asking the respective population on their opinion is not a decision that foster the reconciliation of different regional identities

  • Intellectuals are inventing the narratives that are the content of a "politics of history"

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On the Link between Communist and Nationalist Ideologies

The interesting political science question consists in why historical debates have played such a central role throughout Eastern Europe in the post-socialist development after 1989: A lively historical-political debate was a characteristic feature of almost every post-socialist development. Widespread was nationalism in the former multiethnic federal states like Soviet Union and Yugoslavia Great emotionality characterizes both communist and nationalistic discourses. The intellectuals deepen by their narratives still the political dangers caused by these discourses This dispute about the "Self and the Others" is intense, because even at the beginning of a national awakening movement, the identity of the community is uncertain and controversial. Even the nationalizing state would be more interested in demonstrating "the steady success of its language policies" than "capturing the actual figures in linguistic behavior".16 In this development, there are large regional differences . It is likely that in the industrialization areas the proportion of Russians and other non-ethnic Ukrainians increased and – probably – intense kinship ties with people in other Soviet republics (nowadays: in other nation-states) developed.

National Identities Shaped by Political Mobilization
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