
Chapters 1-9 end with a Conclusion. 1. MEXICO IN COMPARATIVE CONTEXT Why Compare Political Systems? Some Interpretations of the Mexican System Mexico's Significance in a Comparative Context 2. POLITICAL-HISTORICAL ROOTS: THE IMPACT OF TIME AND PLACE The Spanish Heritage Nineteenth-Century Political Heritage The Revolutionary Heritage: Social Violence and Reform The Politics of Place: Interface with the United States 3. CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL CULTURE: WHAT MEXICANS BELIEVE AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES FOR DEMOCRACY Legitimacy: Support for the Political System Participation: Activating the Electorate Democracy: What Does It Mean for Mexicans? 4. POLITICAL ATTITUDES AND THEIR ORIGINS: INTEREST, KNOWLEDGE, AND PARTISANSHIP Income and Politics Education and Politics Religion and Politics Gender and Politics Region and Politics Age and Politics 5. RISING TO THE TOP: THE RECRUITMENT OF POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN A DEMOCRATIC MEXICO The Formal Rules Informal Credentials: What Is Necessary to Rise to the Top in Mexican Politics The Rise of Women The Camarilla: Political Networking in Mexico The Rise and Decline of the Technocrat 6. GROUPS AND THE STATE: AN ALTERED RELATIONSHIP IN A DEMOCRATIC POLITY? The Residue of Corporatism Institutional Voices Voices of Dissent 7. MEXICO'S POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS, THE STRUCTURE OF DECISION-MAKING The Executive Branch The Legislative Branch The Judicial Branch Federalism 8. EXPANDING PARTICIPATION: THE ELECTORAL PROCESS Electoral Reforms The Democratic Transition and the 1988 and 1994 Presidential Elections The Establishment of Electoral Democracy, A Stepping Stone to Democratic Consolidation Democratic Consolidation and the Role of Elections Parties: Their Origins and Their Future in a Democratic Context 9. EXTERNAL POLITICS: RELATIONS WITH THE UNITED STATES National Security Issues Cultural Interface Economic Linkages 10. POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC MODERNIZATION: A REVOLUTION? Bases for Economic Modernization The Rise of Economic Liberalization Democratization Mexico's Democratic Consolidation and the Future

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