
The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the essential unity of the presentation of politics as the management of interests and culture as a “cultural policy” (M. Heidegger) - in the liberal version of the political economic paradigm (J. Agamben). Demonstration as a reduction to the obviousness of meaning presupposes philosophical interpretation as a research method. As a result of the analysis, it is established: in the economic paradigm of the political, what is called modernity is represented in the meaning defined by M. Heidegger. Modernity is given as reality in the mind of a new European subject, anxious to guarantee his safe existence. Replacing the sovereign with an “empty space” as a constitutive of the political order and excluding the sovereign decision as destructive to its reality - and the exclusion of the “saint” as the essence of the transformation of the “creation of culture” into a “cultural artifact”, there are two aspects of the process of “self-assertion” of an autonomous subject, presented as reasonable. “Available individuals” are identical in relation to reason as a “differentiation” of “humanity” and differ “accidentally” as freely self-determining with respect to their “features” - interests; politics and culture are fundamentally presented in the liberal version of the economic paradigm - as the management of interests. Subjectivity, which has become, considers itself to be “unquestionable” and is aimed at “providing life” as cash; politics as management and culture as the “organization of experience” guarantee the safety of the subject as a “historiographic animal”, that is, the implementation of the named goal. As a result of the study, the conclusion is drawn: the presentation of politics as management excludes the “place of decision”, that is, it means the impossibility of an event; culture as a phenomenon of modernity is, according to Heidegger, “the organization of experience”, that is, cultural policy, through “historiographic recalculation”, “filling” the void as a constitutive of modernity, ensuring its endless duration in continuous innovations; reality is verified in the representation of the subject, whose efforts are aimed at obtaining a guarantee of this: in planning and calculation as a security policy. Philosophical interpretation is devoid of practical interest, but measuring opportunity and drawing a boundary provides a view as presently given for scientific research and policy.

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