
Introduction. The centuries-old history of the state and political protest movements as their driving force highlights an interesting pattern. Participants, initiators, and leaders are not interested in the underlying causes of protests. The forms and content of management, socio-political systems are changing but in all situations a narrow circle of people continues to make all important decisions.Materials and methods. The study used comparative legal and systemic methods, various materials.The results of the study. Political decisions overtly or covertly threaten performers of these decisions with punishment for non-compliance. However, as a rule only they always bear suffering and losses for erroneous decisions.Discussion and conclusion. According to Hegel a political decision is based “on subjective goals and opinions, on subjective feeling and private conviction that lead to the destruction of internal morality, integrity and conscience, love and law in relations between individuals, on the one hand, and public order and state laws not limited by legal norms and not restrained by public institutions, on the other”. The well-known scientists Weber, Duverger, Bentham and many others also held the same opinion that politics expresses “the desire of those in power to possess it, which provides them with control over society and personal benefits”. The term “politics” in its modern sense has arisen due to a misunderstanding. The prestige of Aristotle was used to give the befitting justification to the right of the sovereign to make decisions according to his preference and whim. In the 3rd century A.D. Aristotle used in his work the word “politics”, which at that time meant “state” (“polity” is the rule of the majority; Aristotle used it as the name of a specific form of state republic). Now, in many contexts, the word “politics” is used along with the terms “political system” or “state”, and the lack of knowledge about patterns is replaced by describing past or fictional events in the lives of the mighty people and fortunetelling about future events.


  • The centuries-old history of the state and political protest movements as their driving force highlights an interesting pattern

  • According to Hegel a political decision is based “on subjective goals and opinions, on subjective feeling and private conviction that lead to the destruction of internal morality, integrity and conscience, love and law in relations between individuals, on the one hand, and public order and state laws not limited by legal norms and not restrained by public institutions, on the other”

  • The well-known scientists Weber, Duverger, Bentham and many others held the same opinion that politics expresses “the desire of those in power to possess it, which provides them with control over society and personal benefits”

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Не время ли закончить политическую игру с человеческими судьбами?

Развитие технологий и технических устройств, тысячекратно увеличивших силы человека - одного из самых слабых представителей животного мира, — оказалось возможным благодаря науке, которая раскрывала законы природы и создавала механизмы их использования человеком. Европе потребовалось 600 лет войн и сотни тысяч жертв, России более 200 лет, США — 10 лет (Первая поправка к Конституции) для отделения религии от управления государством, и это вовсе не означает запрета верующему человеку участвовать в работе во власти, а неверующему – не даёт права быть неуважительным при посещении храма. От народа к власти, и реформация государственного управления — сверху вниз. В зависимости от предпочтений элиты игра с человеческими судьбами может приводить к повторению трагического круговорота: истории противостояния гражданина и власти (с потерями и жертвами) или к реформации — изменению системы государственного управления и права, которая может остановить трагический круговорот истории.

Политический протест
Вместо заключения
Materials and methods
Discussion and conclusion
Scientist of the Russian Federation
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