
Part 1 Everyday scenes of right-wing extremism. Part 2 What is right-wing extremism? definitions, aims, policies: antipathy towards democracy question and national conceptions of the national question history revisionism right-wing extrremism as a research topic. Part 3 Repressing and playing down the past - right-wing extremism as an integral part of West German political culture: anti-democratic in West Germany - Adolf Hitler was an Italian, attitudes towards National Socialism, the SINUS study, anti-semitic and xenophobic attitudes, denying the past, Nationalism versus identity the silent, inexorable recurrence of the past - the failed attempt at denazification, the rehabilitation and protection of Nazi war criminals, anti-communism instead of anti-Fascism the political integration of Right-Wing extremism after 1949 - the military government licencing policy, the 1949 bundestag elections, from block opposition to grass roots consensus, fragile stability?. Part 4 The development of organized Right-Wing extremism: overview of development post-war extremism (1945-1965) - the Old Nationalists re-organize, a New Right is established, the New Right between the buergerblock and the Old Right, the anachronism of nationalist opposition doldrum years, from the third force to the nationaldemokratische sammlung, the gesamtdeutsche unabhangigkeitsbewegung, the decline of Right-Wing extremist supporting organizations New Right-Wing extremism (1966-1988) - the end of the post-war era, the rise of the NPD, the decline of the NPD and resistance towards the Social/Liberal coalition, violence and terrorism, the neo-Nazi network, protest behaviour the prospects - further electoral successes? - co-operation between the NPD and the DVU, the republikaner. Part 5 Causes and counter-measures: the causes of Right-Wing extremism in West Germany - individual factors, factors relating to society as a whole, anti-Democratic elements in political culture, on the interdependence of the factors anti-Fascism - problems and perspectives - organized anti-Fascism since 1945, should we ignore it? ban it? discuss it? explain it? or conquer it?. Part 6 Summary of the theories outlined in this analysis. Appendix. Bibliography.

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