
The subject of this research is the political subjectivity as a social characteristic of the structure of value orientations of youth in the Moscow agglomeration. The author examines such aspects of the topic as political socialization, incidence of political subjectivity, and its key social characteristics within the structure of value orientations of youth. Attention is given to determination of correlation between political subjectivity and socially significant values. The author describes the content of terminal and instrumental values among young people with different levels of development of political subjectivity as a sociopolitical trait of a person. The research methodology includes the fundamental principles of the theory of political socialization, which suggests cultivation of the essential values of political culture as the process of person’s adaptation to a particular political system. The leading role in the process of political socialization belongs to the ability to critical digestion of knowledge and norms of political relations that ensure conditions for the formation of political subjectivity of a person. The conclusions consists in determination of occurrence of political subjectivity and its social characteristics within the structure of value orientations of youth in the Moscow agglomeration. The realization of political subjectivity in youth environment is predetermined by the structure of values and the vector of social orientations of a person. The novelty of this work lies in the statement that political subjectivity in the process of socialization of a person correlates with the structure of social values. Personal values indirectly reflect the essence of its political subjectivity, which is relevant for more accurate socio political characteristics of a person. The revealed terminal and instrumental values in youth environment allow designating the vector of political socialization of a person.

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