
The political situation in Southern Kurdistan during the period from ١٩٧٥ to ١٩٨٧, following the setback of the September Revolution )١٩٦١-١٩٧٥(, and the conclusion of the Algiers Agreement on March ٦, ١٩٧٥, witnessed radical changes, the most important of which was the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s dissolution of its organizations. However, after a period of time, a new trend emerged from the core of that party’s formations, which included the emergence of a number of parties and political currents, including )P. U. K, Kurdistan Socialist Party(. These parties began their political activities, as the national political leaders began working to review the Kurdish liberation movement again, which prompted them to start the process of organizing in both Syria and Iran. Which led to the inauguration of a new stage of the Kurdish liberation movement’s struggle, as the parties, beside their political struggle from negotiations with the Iraqi government, began a frontal struggle at the internal and external levels to unify their civil and armed struggle to stand up to the Iraqi government’s policies in southern Kurdistan. It included all the Kurdish parties, it had burdened the liberation movement. The outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war )١٩٨٠-١٩٨٨( had its effects on southern Kurdistan, as the latter became an open area for war between the two countries, which contributed to strengthens the hostility of the political system in Baghdad towards the movement, which prompted it to be drawn into that war. As a result of all that, the regional countries had a great influence on the course of the Kurdish liberation movement’s struggle, which prevented the achievement of its goals. Because of the difficulty of obtaining sufficient sources due to their loss as a result of what Southern Kurdistan witnessed in particular, and what Iraq witnessed in general, of theft, burning or destruction of official documents, we were unable to address some aspects of the political and military, so we conducted some interviews to fix this problme. During our study, we adopted the descriptive historical approach to complete the study, which included analysing the causes and determining the results. The study dealt with )the political situation of Southern Kurdistan ١٩٧٥-١٩٨٧( and how the developments of the Kurdish liberation movement after the setback of the September Revolution )١٩٦١-١٩٧٥(, especially its military, civil and political struggle. In conclusion, we reached the conclusions from it. During that period, the Kurdish people resumed a new phase of the struggle of the Kurdish people, which was characterized by the plurality of parties, which collided with the eruption of some internal differences, which generated a desire to form alliances that would unify the struggle against the Iraqi government.

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