
The study dealt with the German Federal Israeli political relations since the political recognition and the exchange of diplomatic representation on May 12, 1965, and the timing of the political recognition on this date is considered a gift to Israel on the seventeenth anniversary of its founding. 
 The study focused on the development of bilateral political relations from 1965-1969 due to the exchange of power when the leader of the Social Democratic Party, Willy Brandt, formed the government for the first time in contemporary German history. The study addressed the research questions, which are what are the political factors that led to political recognition and the exchange of diplomatic representation and at the highest the level of how the internal German policy affected the bilateral relations between the two countries, and whether the German – Israeli political relations could be considered special and distinct relations on Germany's relations with any other country, especially during the Israeli aggression on the Arabs in 1967, and the study proved that there are many factors affecting the continuity of development in relations for what it presented the successive German government until 1969 provided finaneial, economic and other assistance for the benefit of the Israeli side and without the slightest consideration of its negative impact on German Arab relations, and the study highlighted the support of the Federal Republic of Germany with Israel during its aggression against Egypt, Jordan and Syria in June 1967, noting that it was the expansionist goals of Israel.

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