
On I September 1873 Theophilus Shepstone. Natal's Secretary for Native Affairs, presided over a amnony in the neighbouring Zulu kingdom which purported to install Cetshwayo kaMpandeas King. This wasa remarkable occurrence. since the Zulu kingdom was an independent state over which Britain claimed no soxreignty or protectorate. Many people in Zululand, including Masiphuld kaMamba, the late King Mpande's chief councillor, considered it, as Shepstone himself stated, 'derogatory to Zulu dignity to call in the assistance of foreigners to install a Zulu King'.' In Britain, Lord Carnarvon, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, stated that he greatly doubted the wisdom of Shepstone's action, as 'it pledges us to a protectorate or something very like Thus on both sides there was opposition in high places to the installation ceremony. and for much the same reason.

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