
Based on the content analysis and comparative characteristics of the educational literature most in demand in the educational geographic space of the higher school in the discipline “Political Geography”, a review of a new educational complex based on an interdisciplinary approach (taking into account the interests of students studying in different areas of training: pedagogical education — geography), geography, political science, regional studies, international relations). The importance of discipline from the ideological point of view is emphasized. Distinctive features of the educational publication (complexity, consistency, accessibility of the presentation of the material, cartographic provision, scientific continuity) are singled out and argued. An analysis of the structure of the textbook and a brief description of its content are given, highlighting chapters containing traditional political and geographical knowledge used in the geographical educational process and chapters containing a new or expanded (for geographers) information base. The conclusion is made about the expediency of using the materials of the educational complex in teaching such disciplines (within the framework of geographical areas of training) as “Political map of the world” and “Modern political geography”, as well as when studying the relevant sections in the courses “General economic and social geography of the world”, “Economic and social geography of foreign countries”. A high level of information saturation from the political, historical and geographical points of view was noted.

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