
Abstract This essay explains why campaign debates are important events in democratic societies. Political election debates are becoming more common, occurring in more countries around the world as time goes on. Political campaign debates have several advantages over other kinds of campaign message forms. The effects of watching election debates will be discussed in this essay: Campaign debates have been found to reinforce existing attitudes. This can be important because if a voter has a stronger attitude he or she is more likely to donate funds to the candidate, more likely to actually cast a vote on election day, and less likely to defect and vote for the opposing candidate. However, debates also have the potential to inform voters and to change attitudes for some voters. This essay then discusses the content of election debates. Candidates usually acclaim more than they attack; incumbents acclaim even more and attack less than challengers. The target of attack is an important strategic consideration in primary debates and multiparty elections. Most candidates discuss policy more than character. Differences occur between messages from incumbents and from challengers.

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