
One of the functions carried out by political parties is the function of public political education. Political education is the process of imparting knowledge to the public about state politics and finally implementing it in general election activities. The success or failure of political education carried out by political parties to the public can be seen by the level of community participation in general elections. This study aims to describe people's assessments and preferences for political education conducted by political parties in Indonesia. Descriptive quantitative approaches were used in this research. While testing the hypothesis the Mac Nemar hypothesis on signs and testing changes was used. Based on testing the hypothesis on signs, it was found that more respondents who answered that political education carried out by political parties for the community failed or were not successful were more than respondents who answered that political education carried out by political parties for the community was successful. As an implication, political education carried out by political parties is declared a failure or the function carried out by political parties in conducting political education has not been carried out properly. Based on the Mac Nemar change test hypothesis, it was found that the calculated chi-squared value was 0.167 and this value was smaller than the khai squared value in table 3.841. So that the null hypothesis is declared accepted and has the implication that there is no change in respondents' preferences after joining a political party.

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