
The concept of political participation originates from the understanding that sovereignty is in the hands of the people, which is carried out through joint activities to determine the goals and future of the community and to determine the people who will hold the reins of leadership. So political participation is an exception to the implementation of legitimate political power by the people. Problem Formulation: How is the political participation of the people of Cimahi Tengah Subdistrict, Cimahi City in the election for mayor in 2017. In this study the author uses a quantitative method. Quantitative research, as the name implies, is required to use numbers, starting from data collection, interpretation of the data, and the appearance of the results. So the researcher used survey research. The conclusions were as follows: There is a relevance between political education and political participation. This shows that political participation is not only influenced by variables, namely political education, but there are other variables that influence political participation which are not examined in this study.

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